next round starts february 12th 2024| 

a Lifetime Program To A Life You Love

Here is the Deal

We are all really good at setting goals, and chasing the next shinny object, but we believe that we need to compromise and choose one key area where we are going to thrive (and that means other areas of our lives and our wellbeing are going to suffer).

For six weeks you are going to have a safe group where you will learn the exact formula to have it all, without doing it all, and without compromising any area of your life.  We will create a plan that finally works for you. At the end of the six weeks, you will have a workable roadmap to a Life You LOVE! 


If you feel exhausted and deep inside you feel it should not be that hard, YOU ARE RIGHT!!!

You are actually playing a game with rules that DON'T apply to you!

Together we are going to discover the rules that apply to you and learn how to leverage them!


Are You Ready to

Is your perfectionism holding you back? 

You might know that’s this is what’s going on, but to guide you here are some symptoms

of being caught in the trap of perfectionism.

🦄Are you putting everyone else’s needs first and are worn out at the end of the day?

🦄Are you stuck and unsure about what to do next to create the life you want?

🦄Are you feeling held back from living the life you know you are meant to live?

🦄Are you exhausted after trying everything others suggest and still without the results you want?

🦄Are you more or less clear about what you need to do but you are so afraid of failing that you stop yourself every time you want to start because it might not be perfect?

This Program is

 for you if…


You feel stuck in your life


You are not sure how to get the results you want


You are a proud perfectionist, or not so proud any more


You are already a successful coach who is ready to get a plan and level up


You are professional who needs to focus on yourself so you can be the best at work 


Your “all or nothing” mentality is holding you back from achieving your health, money or relationships goals


You’ve tried diets and keep hitting walls


You want more abundance and cash in your life


If you are a Mom who is stretched thin and wondering where to find yourself again, without it taking too much time


Need a safe space to figure out what YOU want without the current chatter in your surroundings

Say YES to YOU and YOUR DREAMS, lets rock it together!

Join me on this magical adventure, a transformational 6-week program to take you from STUCK and HESITANT to CONFIDENT and EMPOWERED

Now is


What I’ve found is that when I embraced all the parts of myself and I ditched perfectionism, I’ve been able to create the life I want. A healthy and fit body, a happy family, a thriving business and a list of clients that are getting results we all feel good about. 


Everything you want is on the other side of clarity and ditching perfectionism


Because, it’s never about the _______ (blank)


Last point: This will be BIG on impact but not a big demand on your time. 

This is the Secret they Don't Want You To Know….

You Can Have it All

The problem is you either don't believe is possible for you or you are trying to DO IT ALL! 

Therefore focusing your energy and time in the wrong places… 

Here is the truth….

Meet your Coach



the unicorn coach

Mindset and succes Coach

health coach

money archetypes coach

mat and aerial yoga coach,

best selling author

Believing everyone has magic inside, Jo is known as the Unicorn Coach.

Deeply intuitive, she empowers others to see and experience their own magic!

Jo knows how to coach and impart deep knowledge through entertainment and is able to bring all the knowledge and wisdom of +15 years leading and coaching executives and leaders in Fortune 100 companies like Goodyear and PepsiCo plus the leading companies on self-development like Mindvalley, sharing the secrets that allow them to conquer their goals year on year, so YOU can do the same in your life!

As a mat and aerial yoga teacher, and health coach Jo incorporates more than 15 years of experience in well-being in how to live a holistic fulfilled life. She has coached over 12,000 people in four continents and 25 countries.

You Get:

🦄Seven (7) weekly Group Coaching calls, focused on specific & unique feedback to dive deep into your Money, Food and Relationships (Value $4,500)


🦄Seven (7) weekly Bonus Calls sessions focused on your Money, Food and Relationships, each area will have 2 Bonus Calls (Value $4,500)


🦄My Friday Non-Perfection Club - 7 Live calls to connect. Bring your drink of choice, and connect as we reflect on your week (Value $2,500)


🦄Weekly Practical and easy tools to heal your perfectionism/Procrastination and STOP them from holding you back any longer (Value $3,000)


🦄A footprint to learn ALL about your personality traits (aka your archetypes) and how we can leverage YOUR strengths to achieve your goals (Value $5,000)


🦄A roadmap to know how and where to work to unlock your full potential (Value $2,500)


🦄A buddy system in the private Facebook Group (trust me you’ll love this) (Value Priceless)


🦄BONUS 1! Your Driving Personality Archetypes Quiz (Value $199)


🦄BONUS 2! When you signed up, you get access to do the live program with me AGAIN every single time I offered it aka REAL LIFETIME ACCESS (Priceless


🦄BONUS 3! In 2024 in addition to the 3 intensive 7 week Cohorts (included) you will also have monthly calls for accountability and traction in between cohorts! (Value $4,200)  


🦄BONUS 4! Cohort #3 will have an additional WhatsApp group for daily motivation and accountability!

total value of over $25k

only $995

for lifetime access

what My clients are saying…


I had a great experience with this program. 5 Stars. I change my mindset to put my 'oxygen mask' first and take better care of my health. I gained confidence in implemented a better stress management routine.


I had not anticipated what a new world would open for me. One of food freedom. Adapt the world to you instead of adapting to it. For the first time I'm starting to think and feel that yes you can live healthy and you can do it happily. 


This program far exceeded my expectations for impact on my life. When I signed up, I knew I would get some thought-provoking content. But what I received was so much more! Working with Jo, I was able to unlock some inner child blocks and more clearly see how my personality shows up in all aspects of life. I feel empowered to make tweaks rather than feeling like I have to change who I am. I've gained more self-compassion and understanding.

What we doing together….


3 times per year we will have an intensive cohort of 7 weeks:


The Warm Up Week 

This week we will cover:

💜Learn about your Sacred Archetypes 

💜What is your Emotional Tank and how to keep it full

💜Define your intentions and focus

Week 1: Connect the Dots 

This week we will cover:

💜How perfectionism is not  a trait to be proud of and is, instead, our biggest trap

💜In what way - specifically - is your #1 Sacred Money Archetype® keeping you from moving forward in each area?


Week 2: Build the Foundation for the Life You Want

This week we will cover:

💜How to move from “All or Nothing” to 50 Shades of Joy

💜How, When and Why you need to ask for what you NEED, WANT & DESIRE

💜A powerful meditation to help you to heal your relationship with your most critical area of success currently (Money, Food, Relationships)

💜Create your NEW conscious Compass to help you have a life you love


Week 3: Make Friends with Your Own Power

This week we will cover:

💜How to unveil the biggest lie of all: There is nothing wrong with YOU

💜Who is in control of your life and how to claim your CEO role back

💜How to Empower your Voice and Claim your Power Back

💜Create healthy and strong boundaries around your top area: Money, Food, Relationships


Week 4: Integration Week

This week we will cover:

💜How to stop self-sabotage and what to do instead to reach your goals

💜The recipe to Connect the Dots Backwards and let go of what is holding you back


Week 5: Create the Plan and Mapping the Route

This week we will cover:

💜A clear plan that become a compass to define what is really worth it for you

💜How to Stop being an employee in your life, and step up to be the CEO of your life

💜Rewrite your story with your most critical area of success currently (Money, Food, Relationships)


Week 6: How to make this part of who YOU ARE!

This week we will cover:

💜How to heal the “Good Girl” Syndrome

💜A easy and actionable roadmap that take you towards your dreams with baby steps


Monthly Accountability Calls

In between the 3 annual cohorts we will have monthly calls to keep traction and accountability


Cohort #3 will have an additional WhatsApp group

We will have an optional WhatsApp group for daily motivation and accountability!

This is like nothing I've ever, EVER offered before! It's next-level, mind-blowing, and all kinds of amazing! Get ready to experience something truly extraordinary!

All the Details…


💜We kick off Monday, February 12th, 2023


 💜Our Group Coaching Calls will be Tuesday at 10am EDT. During each Cohort we will have weekly calls, in between cohorts we will meet monthly 


💜We will have our Friday Non-Perfection Club every Friday at 8:30 am EDT


💜We will have our Bonus Calls every Thursday at 6:00 pm EDT


💜You will get weekly emails with videos to watch and prepare for each week activities


💜After signing up, you'll gain access to our exclusive private Facebook group.


 This is where the magic happens as we grow and connect together. Trust me, having a group of supportive sisters by your side makes this journey so much easier, and let me tell you, my communities are like no other! We create a space where you can thrive, learn, and uplift one another. Get ready to experience the power of our incredible community!" 



JOIN US AND MAKE SURE to make some magic withus in 2024!